Knowledge data base for our customers Pool order centrum

General offer


This section is meant for customers who are interested in our general offer. Please fill in your data and we will get back to you with an offer and with all crucial information you need to know.

Personal offer

Yes. I want to buy a swimming pool.

In our knowledge data base you will get all the details about our pools. At the end you will find a configurator. With some simple mouse clicks you will receive your personal offer.


After completing a few simple steps you can order you swimming pool with all the necessary equipment.


Order procedure

Pool configuration

Individual offer realization and delivery

Implementation and transport

A few information about the company

We are the biggest swimming pool manufacturer of – so called ready pool – glass fibre pools in Europe.

We have over 20 years of experience
We own three manufacturing plantsne
We manufactured over 10 000 glass fibre swimming pools up to today

Get your own, personalised swimming pool.

Our brands

Come and see our production facility using a virtual walk!